First, TrainingPeaks customer service to their athletes and coaches has always struck me as top notch! Training Peaks has been a huge contributor to Colorado State University triathlon team and I would not be able to coach an 80-member team without their support. The staff didn't disappoint at all this weekend. Catering done throughout the weekend by Skratch Labs was the perfect complement to a logistically well-run clinic. Yes, there were a few bugs with the new location concerning a/v and that noisy heater, however none of us could have pulled off such a seminar in the middle of a construction zone any better! Training Peaks treated us well and I may have put on a few pounds to prove it! I wouldn't have expected less from a client-first company.
Second, the amount of knowledge running the show was extraordinary but it was presented in the manner where all the coaches could understand. I entered this weekend with a little apprehension being a fairly new coach with limited classroom attained knowledge of Exercise Physiology or Nutrition. Thank you Joe and Dirk Friel, Melissa, Shawn and AJ for teaching key concepts from decades of research in these topics to "dumb it down" to a level where we can apply it to our everyday coaching business. I'm excited to share these same concepts via Training Peaks to all my clients
Third, and this is primarily for the athlete reading this. I come from a sector of coaching that is a blast but very unique to triathlon...the 18-25 year demographic. These athletes are eager and soak up anything you have for them, but for most they are just testing the waters and probably aren't too keen on dropping 1K-2K on a power meter when they just pried 2K from their parent's fingers last semester for their first bike! Triathlon is an expensive sport for middle-class as it is, try taking a look at it through a college-aged athlete's eyes. I was asked many times over the weekend about my elite athletes training with power (specifically at USAT Collegiate Nationals coming up in April), my answer...ZERO of my CSU athletes train with power! So how does TrainingPeaks work for my athletes? There are so many data values out there a coach could utilize...but as an athlete what a luxury to just go out and NOT look at numbers (sometimes)! I will somewhat contradict myself in this paragraph...as a coach I NEED your data, or at least your feedback on your workouts before I will subscribe more pain, I mean fun. TrainingPeaks is perfect for this...an avenue for feedback. As an athlete, give me as much you can...via words or numbers and I'll do my job. If you have that HR monitor or you know your training zones...throw them into TrainingPeaks and the process actually derives them for you. Just ask me how...I can help. So, to circle the wagon on this topic, if you aren't a numbers person or you lost the fun of training by always looking at the numbers, then DON'T! Leave it to your coach. Wear your HR strap, use the bike with the power meter, update your zones on TP, and download the data but don't look...I'm there for ya.
Thanks TrainingPeaks for what you are to so many talented athletes and coaches! I look forward to this year being an Ambassador and for making my athletes realize their dreams.